Suspect Arrested In Washington DC For 5 Shootings of Homeless Men

Courtesy: NYPD

WASHINGTON, DC - Police arrested a suspect involved in the shootings of five homeless men, two of which fatal, in Washington early Tuesday morning.

Police say the suspect, identified as Gerald Brevard III, was arrested in Southeast Washington by ATF agents at around 2:30AM on Tuesday. Whitney Cruse, an ATF spokesperson, said that the firearm used in the shootings was not recovered during the arrest.

During an intense investigation, two law enforcement officials identified the suspect who resides in Washington.

The deranged shooting spree that focused on vulnerable people spanned across both Washington DC and New York City. Police say the suspect shot three men sleeping outside in Washington DC between March 3 and March 9, and two men in Lower Manhattan on Saturday. One victim was fatally shot in New York City and another was fatally shot in Washington DC.

According to the ATF, the same gun was used in all five shootings after a ballistics analysis.


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